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We understand we operate a valuable service in our community and we take that responsibility very seriously. That is why the health and safety of our children and staff is of the utmost importance to us. All Locations are currently open and accepting NEW ENROLLMENT, with required documentations. ​

  • Medication Administration Document
    Click here to view Medication Administration Document.
  • Our COVID-19 Health & Safety Practices
    We are closely following guidance from the CDC, as well as state and local officials and health authorities, as we take extreme care to maintain our safe, healthy school environment for children, families, and staff. We have enhanced our already rigorous health protocols, such as: ​ Protective Masks: Face coverings are required for any adult entering the building (we provide them to all staff members when working at school with children). Taking Temperatures: We are screening everyone (staff, children, parents, visitors, etc.) upon arrival for temperature and evident symptoms. Limited Classroom Access: To curb the spread of germs and control group size, we are not permitting parents and family members inside, but we are doing curbside drop-off and pick-up. There still remains a check-in station under our pull-up station. Wellness Checks: Regular wellness checks are being conducted throughout the day. The parents of unwell children are notified immediately, to help stop the spread of illness. Safe (and Still Healthy) Dining: We are now only serving pre-plated meals to children. Enhanced Health Practices: We’ve strengthened our existing cleanliness and hygiene practices (such as more frequent hand washing, and increased cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting of surfaces and items in classrooms). *Please note, where required by law or child care licensing, children will also be required to wear face coverings based on the specified age.
  • Attendance
    In general, we are requiring that children and staff stay home from school for 14 days following the last potential exposure, if any member of the household has (or may have) a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19. In addition: We observe the children’s health throughout the day and respond appropriately as needed if we detect any potential signs of illness. If your child does become ill at school, we will call you immediately so they can be picked up as soon as possible. Should that occur, please be sure to pick up your child promptly for their well-being, and to help us limit the spread of illness Overall, the best way to ensure our students have limited exposure to germs is by keeping children at home when they are ill and/or contagious. We ask that you please watch your child closely and contact your physician if your child appears to be feeling under the weather. Please remember your child must be kept home if they display any signs of illness.
  • Other Health & Safety Practices
    The following conditions are causes for exclusion from the Center: Fever over 100 degrees: Children should stay at home at least 24 hours after a normal temperature is achieved WITHOUT the help of fever-reducing medications. For example, if your child goes home on Monday with a fever, they may come back to the Center on Wednesday, if their temperature was normal on Tuesday. The 24- hour waiting period allows your child's immune system to regain strength. Fever over 99 degrees with a stiff neck or back: Children may return only with a doctor's written permission. Diarrhea (watery, bad-smelling stools more than once in succession). Children may return when normal function returns. If you child should develop diarrhea while in care you will be asked to pick them up immediately until the stool returns to normal. Vomiting (two or more episodes in the last 24 hours). Children may return when they can retain a light meal. Please provide Persistent hacking or congested cough with sore throat (red or blistered throat). Children may return with doctor's written permission. Green nasal discharge (indication of a respiratory infection which requires treatment). Children may return with doctor's written permission. Difficulty breathing: A child is unable to breathe causing distress or discomfort or they are unable to rest. Convulsions Persistent pain in abdomen. Swelling, redness, or throbbing in an injured part of the body. Undiagnosed profuse rash or blisters on parts of the body. Unexpected profuse sweating. Head lice. Children may return after treatment and removal of all nits. Infectious skin or eye conditions (including, but not limited to ring worm, impetigo, or pink eye). Children may return 24 hours after treatment with an antibiotic is begun. Medications: We do not administer any medication to the children in our care unless medical form is signed, accompanied by doctor’s note and medication from a pharmacy in its original package. Exception: If a child has a recurring medical condition, such as asthma or allergic reactions, the child's parent or health care provider may sign a medication authorization form allowing Focus Point Education Academy to administer the medication when symptoms occur for up to a six-month period. The authorization must include information on symptoms to watch for. The parent must provide diaper Ointment, Sun Screen, and Bug Repellent labeled with the child's name as well as a parent's signature on the container for the Center to administer the product.
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